Junior Code of Conduct

Player Code of Conduct
Players are expected to:
- Compete to win, but uphold the principles of fair play.
- Refrain from arguing with or verbally abusing officials, and adhere to the Laws of the Game.
- Accept defeat gracefully and with dignity.
- Demonstrate sportsmanship by treating fellow players, coaches, managers, referees, and opponents with respect.
- Avoid bullying or taking unfair advantage of competitors.
- Collaborate with their coach, manager, teammates, and opponents for the overall benefit of the game.
Coach Code of Conduct
Coaches are expected to:
- Adhere to the Laws of the Game and exhibit sportsman-like behavior with opposing teams, parents, and children.
- Prioritize player-centric development.
- Ensure that every player receives fair and consistent playing time.

Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct
Parents/Guardians are expected to:
- Acknowledge that children engage in sports for their enjoyment, not for parental satisfaction.
- Encourage children to participate willingly, avoiding any form of coercion.
- Emphasize the child's efforts and performance over the outcome, whether it's a win or loss.
- Instill the importance of adhering to rules and resolving disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.
- Refrain from ridiculing or yelling at a child for mistakes or losses during competition.
- Lead by example, recognizing that children learn best through observed behavior.
- Support initiatives to eliminate verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
- Respect decisions made by officials and teach children to do the same.
- Express gratitude towards coaches, officials, and administrators for their contributions.
In our dedication to fostering a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved with Manurewa AFC, we strongly urge parents, players, and spectators associated with our club to acquaint themselves with both our Club Code of Conduct and the New Zealand Football Code of Conduct.
Please take a moment to review these guidelines, ensuring that we collectively comprehend our responsibilities and contribute to maintaining a secure environment for all.